2008 Ladder Guidelines
  1. A new player or team may join the ladder in one of three ways:
    • Challenge anyone on the ladder and report your score to Ladders@CupertinoTennisClub.org.
    • Ask to be added at the bottom of the ladder.
    • Report a match result of new players or teams, and have them all added according to the match result, with credit for that match.
  2. The challenger is responsible for providing an unopened can of tennis balls for the match and obtaining the court.
  3. Standard USTA rules shall govern match play. If a challenged player/team fails to appear at the agreed upon match time and date, the match is defaulted to the challenger.
  4. The winner of the match reports the scores to the ladder director at ladders@cupertinotennisclub.org.
  5. The ladder director will maintain points and each player's position.
  6. The standings will change between postings, and it is the players' responsibility to make and accept challenges in good faith within above guidelines.

Send us your suggestions and feedback if you see any opportunities for improvement.

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Last updated: November 4, 2007